Just Keeping it Real

The fundraising campaign for the first book, Jaxon’s Magical Adventure with Black Inventors and Scientists of my children’s book series, Just Imagine…What If There Were No Black People in the World? ends Wednesday 7/19.

I must say this has been a challenging and very rewarding project. I’ve met some wonderful people during this campaign. Some of who have shown their support with a donation. I am grateful.

I believe my series about African American inventors, scientists and other notable Black people can change minds, change hearts, change our lives, and change the world! The books will definitely change relationships – the more children know, the more they grow into responsible and respectful people.

Let’s not mess this up. Let them continue to laugh and play together forever. Yes. Forever.

I truly enjoy sharing some of the other Hidden Figures … the works and creations of men and women who have made a huge difference in our lives. I enjoy that I didn’t know that! look. It confirms that we need to continue to educate folks about American Black history.

So, with that said, the campaign is almost over and any donation will be very helpful in our endeavors to get this book into as many children’s hands that we can.

You can donate at Indiegogo here: Click on this button

Thanks much


More hidden figures later!