Children are NOT born racists.

Children are not born racists. It is a learned behavior from parents, relatives, friends, (Heaven forbid teachers) and others who have misinformation about African Americans. Providing children with a more positive image of African Americans and information regarding their numerous contributions to American/U.S. history will allow them to make their own judgements about African Americans and also allow them to have, in some cases, a better and more respectful relationship with Black people.

Another reason for my series, Just Imagine…What If There Were No Black People in the World? Providing kids with additional information about American/Black/U.S. History in a fun and engaging format.

Watch children on the playground sometime. They play well together. And when they are fighting, they are not fighting because the kid is black or brown, they’re usually fighting because someone took their ball or lunch or won’t let them play with a toy. There’s camaraderie on the playground – just cause. Teach them more about others.

ListenImage result for children playing to them when they come home from school to share what they’ve learned in school about a Black inventor or scientist. The more they know, the more they grow. Help them grow up to care about people, not color.

Did you know that Thomas L. Jennings was the first black man to receive a patent? The patent was awarded on March 3, 1821 (US Patent 3306x) for his discovery of a process called dry-scouring which was the forerunner of today’s modern dry-cleaning.  Jennings was born free in New York City, New York in 1791.  In his early 20s he became a tailor but then opened a dry cleaning business in the city.  While running his business Jennings developed dry-scouring.

And thank you in advance for sharing my blog post with folks.