Black History IS American/US History!

Black history IS American History.  Period.

The argument is old, so let it go. Kinda like the Trump thing.  It is what it is, let it go.

So, what’s the problem? Same old thing really. African Americans get two months out of the year to focus on their history. Old news.

Teachers aren’t teaching Black history all year.  Old news.

Black children don’t seem to be inspired to think outside the box. Old news.

Parents aren’t engaging their children. Old news.

It takes a village to raise a child. Old news.

What’s the solution?  All of the above.

Okay – so here’s my take on what’s going on or not going on.

Two months out of the year we get to say “Yeah, I’m Black! Look what we did!” But the problem is, we focus on the same ole folks and introduce them the same old way. And it doesn’t inspire parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents to do much about it. So, why don’t we have our own Black history event every month! With family and friends.

Okay, event might be stretching it a bit. So let’s just say every month you talk about a new Black person from history who was the first Black to do this or that; or that they invented this or that or improved this or that or whatever. Just make it a habit. You know like smoking or eating.

So you ask, did I do this with my own children? No – I actually just thought of it. But you have to admit, it’s really a good idea.

So, here’s the deal. I will make it a point, every week, to post something about a Black person from history who did something notable. Either they invented it, improved it or was the first African American who did it.

Like BR said, “Let’s give em something to talk about!”